Class SerialTransactionExecutor
- new SerialTransactionExecutor(
__namedParameters: Omit<ObjectCacheOptions, "address"> & {
client: SuiClient;
defaultGasBudget?: bigint;
signer: Signer;
): SerialTransactionExecutor Parameters
- __namedParameters: Omit<ObjectCacheOptions, "address"> & {
client: SuiClient;
defaultGasBudget?: bigint;
signer: Signer;
defaultGasBudget?: bigint
- applyEffects(
effects: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
V1: {
created: [
{ digest: string; objectId: string; version: string },
AddressOwner: string;
Immutable: true;
ObjectOwner: string;
Shared: { initialSharedVersion: string };
| "ObjectOwner"
| "Shared"
| "Immutable",
deleted: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string }[];
dependencies: string[];
eventsDigest: null | string;
executedEpoch: string;
gasObject: [
{ digest: string; objectId: string; version: string },
AddressOwner: string;
Immutable: true;
ObjectOwner: string;
Shared: { initialSharedVersion: string };
| "ObjectOwner"
| "Shared"
| "Immutable",
gasUsed: {
computationCost: string;
nonRefundableStorageFee: string;
storageCost: string;
storageRebate: string;
modifiedAtVersions: [string, string][];
mutated: [
{ digest: string; objectId: string; version: string },
AddressOwner: string;
Immutable: true;
ObjectOwner: string;
Shared: { initialSharedVersion: string };
| "ObjectOwner"
| "Shared"
| "Immutable",
sharedObjects: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string }[];
status: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
Failed: {
command: null
| string;
error: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
AddressDeniedForCoin: { address: string; coinType: string };
ArityMismatch: true;
CertificateDenied: true;
CircularObjectOwnership: { object: string };
CoinBalanceOverflow: true;
CoinTypeGlobalPause: { coinType: string };
CommandArgumentError: {
argIdx: number;
kind: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
IndexOutOfBounds: ...;
InvalidArgumentToPrivateEntryFunction: ...;
InvalidBCSBytes: ...;
InvalidGasCoinUsage: ...;
InvalidObjectByMutRef: ...;
InvalidObjectByValue: ...;
InvalidResultArity: ...;
InvalidUsageOfPureArg: ...;
InvalidValueUsage: ...;
SecondaryIndexOutOfBounds: ...;
SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed: ...;
TypeMismatch: ...;
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...),
EffectsTooLarge: { currentSize: string; maxSize: string };
ExecutionCancelledDueToRandomnessUnavailable: true;
ExecutionCancelledDueToSharedObjectCongestion: {
congestedObjects: string[];
FeatureNotYetSupported: true;
FunctionNotFound: true;
InputObjectDeleted: true;
InsufficientCoinBalance: true;
InsufficientGas: true;
InvalidGasObject: true;
InvalidPublicFunctionReturnType: { idx: number };
InvalidTransferObject: true;
InvariantViolation: true;
MoveAbort: [
function: number;
functionName: (...)
| (...);
instruction: number;
module: { address: ...; name: ... };
MoveObjectTooBig: { maxObjectSize: string; objectSize: string };
MovePackageTooBig: { maxObjectSize: string; objectSize: string };
| null
| {
function: number;
functionName: (...)
| (...);
instruction: number;
module: { address: ...; name: ... };
NonEntryFunctionInvoked: true;
PackageUpgradeError: {
upgradeError: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
DigestDoesNotMatch: ...;
IncompatibleUpgrade: ...;
NotAPackage: ...;
PackageIDDoesNotMatch: ...;
UnableToFetchPackage: ...;
UnknownUpgradePolicy: ...;
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...),
PublishErrorNonZeroAddress: true;
PublishUpgradeDependencyDowngrade: true;
PublishUpgradeMissingDependency: true;
SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed: true;
SuiMoveVerificationError: true;
SuiMoveVerificationTimedout: true;
TypeArgumentError: {
argumentIdx: number;
kind: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
{ ConstraintNotSatisfied: ...; TypeNotFound: ... },
(...) | (...),
TypeArityMismatch: true;
UnusedValueWithoutDrop: { resultIdx: number; secondaryIdx: number };
VMInvariantViolation: true;
VMVerificationOrDeserializationError: true;
WrittenObjectsTooLarge: { currentSize: string; maxSize: string };
| "PackageUpgradeError"
| "SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed"
| "CommandArgumentError"
| "TypeArgumentError"
| "InsufficientGas"
| "InvalidGasObject"
| "InvariantViolation"
| "FeatureNotYetSupported"
| "MoveObjectTooBig"
| "MovePackageTooBig"
| "CircularObjectOwnership"
| "InsufficientCoinBalance"
| "CoinBalanceOverflow"
| "PublishErrorNonZeroAddress"
| "SuiMoveVerificationError"
| "MovePrimitiveRuntimeError"
| "MoveAbort"
| "VMVerificationOrDeserializationError"
| "VMInvariantViolation"
| "FunctionNotFound"
| "ArityMismatch"
| "TypeArityMismatch"
| "NonEntryFunctionInvoked"
| "UnusedValueWithoutDrop"
| "InvalidPublicFunctionReturnType"
| "InvalidTransferObject"
| "EffectsTooLarge"
| "PublishUpgradeMissingDependency"
| "PublishUpgradeDependencyDowngrade"
| "WrittenObjectsTooLarge"
| "CertificateDenied"
| "SuiMoveVerificationTimedout"
| "InputObjectDeleted"
| "ExecutionCancelledDueToSharedObjectCongestion"
| "AddressDeniedForCoin"
| "CoinTypeGlobalPause"
| "ExecutionCancelledDueToRandomnessUnavailable",
Success: true;
| "Failed",
transactionDigest: string;
unwrapped: [
{ digest: string; objectId: string; version: string },
AddressOwner: string;
Immutable: true;
ObjectOwner: string;
Shared: { initialSharedVersion: string };
| "ObjectOwner"
| "Shared"
| "Immutable",
unwrappedThenDeleted: {
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
wrapped: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string }[];
V2: {
auxDataDigest: null
| string;
changedObjects: [
idOperation: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
{ Created: true; Deleted: true; None: true },
"None" | "Created" | "Deleted",
inputState: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
Exist: [
[string, string],
AddressOwner: ...;
Immutable: ...;
ObjectOwner: ...;
Shared: ...;
| (...)
| (...)
| (...),
NotExist: true;
| "Exist",
outputState: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
NotExist: true;
ObjectWrite: [
AddressOwner: ...;
Immutable: ...;
ObjectOwner: ...;
Shared: ...;
| (...)
| (...)
| (...),
PackageWrite: [string, string];
| "ObjectWrite"
| "PackageWrite",
dependencies: string[];
eventsDigest: null
| string;
executedEpoch: string;
gasObjectIndex: null | number;
gasUsed: {
computationCost: string;
nonRefundableStorageFee: string;
storageCost: string;
storageRebate: string;
lamportVersion: string;
status: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
Failed: {
command: null
| string;
error: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
AddressDeniedForCoin: { address: string; coinType: string };
ArityMismatch: true;
CertificateDenied: true;
CircularObjectOwnership: { object: string };
CoinBalanceOverflow: true;
CoinTypeGlobalPause: { coinType: string };
CommandArgumentError: {
argIdx: number;
kind: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
IndexOutOfBounds: ...;
InvalidArgumentToPrivateEntryFunction: ...;
InvalidBCSBytes: ...;
InvalidGasCoinUsage: ...;
InvalidObjectByMutRef: ...;
InvalidObjectByValue: ...;
InvalidResultArity: ...;
InvalidUsageOfPureArg: ...;
InvalidValueUsage: ...;
SecondaryIndexOutOfBounds: ...;
SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed: ...;
TypeMismatch: ...;
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...),
EffectsTooLarge: { currentSize: string; maxSize: string };
ExecutionCancelledDueToRandomnessUnavailable: true;
ExecutionCancelledDueToSharedObjectCongestion: {
congestedObjects: string[];
FeatureNotYetSupported: true;
FunctionNotFound: true;
InputObjectDeleted: true;
InsufficientCoinBalance: true;
InsufficientGas: true;
InvalidGasObject: true;
InvalidPublicFunctionReturnType: { idx: number };
InvalidTransferObject: true;
InvariantViolation: true;
MoveAbort: [
function: number;
functionName: (...)
| (...);
instruction: number;
module: { address: ...; name: ... };
MoveObjectTooBig: { maxObjectSize: string; objectSize: string };
MovePackageTooBig: { maxObjectSize: string; objectSize: string };
| null
| {
function: number;
functionName: (...)
| (...);
instruction: number;
module: { address: ...; name: ... };
NonEntryFunctionInvoked: true;
PackageUpgradeError: {
upgradeError: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
DigestDoesNotMatch: ...;
IncompatibleUpgrade: ...;
NotAPackage: ...;
PackageIDDoesNotMatch: ...;
UnableToFetchPackage: ...;
UnknownUpgradePolicy: ...;
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...),
PublishErrorNonZeroAddress: true;
PublishUpgradeDependencyDowngrade: true;
PublishUpgradeMissingDependency: true;
SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed: true;
SuiMoveVerificationError: true;
SuiMoveVerificationTimedout: true;
TypeArgumentError: {
argumentIdx: number;
kind: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
{ ConstraintNotSatisfied: ...; TypeNotFound: ... },
(...) | (...),
TypeArityMismatch: true;
UnusedValueWithoutDrop: { resultIdx: number; secondaryIdx: number };
VMInvariantViolation: true;
VMVerificationOrDeserializationError: true;
WrittenObjectsTooLarge: { currentSize: string; maxSize: string };
| "PackageUpgradeError"
| "SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed"
| "CommandArgumentError"
| "TypeArgumentError"
| "InsufficientGas"
| "InvalidGasObject"
| "InvariantViolation"
| "FeatureNotYetSupported"
| "MoveObjectTooBig"
| "MovePackageTooBig"
| "CircularObjectOwnership"
| "InsufficientCoinBalance"
| "CoinBalanceOverflow"
| "PublishErrorNonZeroAddress"
| "SuiMoveVerificationError"
| "MovePrimitiveRuntimeError"
| "MoveAbort"
| "VMVerificationOrDeserializationError"
| "VMInvariantViolation"
| "FunctionNotFound"
| "ArityMismatch"
| "TypeArityMismatch"
| "NonEntryFunctionInvoked"
| "UnusedValueWithoutDrop"
| "InvalidPublicFunctionReturnType"
| "InvalidTransferObject"
| "EffectsTooLarge"
| "PublishUpgradeMissingDependency"
| "PublishUpgradeDependencyDowngrade"
| "WrittenObjectsTooLarge"
| "CertificateDenied"
| "SuiMoveVerificationTimedout"
| "InputObjectDeleted"
| "ExecutionCancelledDueToSharedObjectCongestion"
| "AddressDeniedForCoin"
| "CoinTypeGlobalPause"
| "ExecutionCancelledDueToRandomnessUnavailable",
Success: true;
| "Failed",
transactionDigest: string;
unchangedSharedObjects: [
Cancelled: string;
MutateDeleted: string;
PerEpochConfig: true;
ReadDeleted: string;
ReadOnlyRoot: [string, string];
| "ReadOnlyRoot"
| "MutateDeleted"
| "ReadDeleted"
| "Cancelled"
| "PerEpochConfig",
| "V2",
): Promise<void> Parameters
- effects: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
V1: {
created: [
{ digest: string; objectId: string; version: string },
AddressOwner: string;
Immutable: true;
ObjectOwner: string;
Shared: { initialSharedVersion: string };
| "ObjectOwner"
| "Shared"
| "Immutable",
deleted: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string }[];
dependencies: string[];
eventsDigest: null | string;
executedEpoch: string;
gasObject: [
{ digest: string; objectId: string; version: string },
AddressOwner: string;
Immutable: true;
ObjectOwner: string;
Shared: { initialSharedVersion: string };
| "ObjectOwner"
| "Shared"
| "Immutable",
gasUsed: {
computationCost: string;
nonRefundableStorageFee: string;
storageCost: string;
storageRebate: string;
modifiedAtVersions: [string, string][];
mutated: [
{ digest: string; objectId: string; version: string },
AddressOwner: string;
Immutable: true;
ObjectOwner: string;
Shared: { initialSharedVersion: string };
| "ObjectOwner"
| "Shared"
| "Immutable",
sharedObjects: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string }[];
status: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
Failed: {
command: null
| string;
error: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
AddressDeniedForCoin: { address: string; coinType: string };
ArityMismatch: true;
CertificateDenied: true;
CircularObjectOwnership: { object: string };
CoinBalanceOverflow: true;
CoinTypeGlobalPause: { coinType: string };
CommandArgumentError: {
argIdx: number;
kind: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
IndexOutOfBounds: ...;
InvalidArgumentToPrivateEntryFunction: ...;
InvalidBCSBytes: ...;
InvalidGasCoinUsage: ...;
InvalidObjectByMutRef: ...;
InvalidObjectByValue: ...;
InvalidResultArity: ...;
InvalidUsageOfPureArg: ...;
InvalidValueUsage: ...;
SecondaryIndexOutOfBounds: ...;
SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed: ...;
TypeMismatch: ...;
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...),
EffectsTooLarge: { currentSize: string; maxSize: string };
ExecutionCancelledDueToRandomnessUnavailable: true;
ExecutionCancelledDueToSharedObjectCongestion: {
congestedObjects: string[];
FeatureNotYetSupported: true;
FunctionNotFound: true;
InputObjectDeleted: true;
InsufficientCoinBalance: true;
InsufficientGas: true;
InvalidGasObject: true;
InvalidPublicFunctionReturnType: { idx: number };
InvalidTransferObject: true;
InvariantViolation: true;
MoveAbort: [
function: number;
functionName: (...)
| (...);
instruction: number;
module: { address: ...; name: ... };
MoveObjectTooBig: { maxObjectSize: string; objectSize: string };
MovePackageTooBig: { maxObjectSize: string; objectSize: string };
| null
| {
function: number;
functionName: (...)
| (...);
instruction: number;
module: { address: ...; name: ... };
NonEntryFunctionInvoked: true;
PackageUpgradeError: {
upgradeError: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
DigestDoesNotMatch: ...;
IncompatibleUpgrade: ...;
NotAPackage: ...;
PackageIDDoesNotMatch: ...;
UnableToFetchPackage: ...;
UnknownUpgradePolicy: ...;
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...),
PublishErrorNonZeroAddress: true;
PublishUpgradeDependencyDowngrade: true;
PublishUpgradeMissingDependency: true;
SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed: true;
SuiMoveVerificationError: true;
SuiMoveVerificationTimedout: true;
TypeArgumentError: {
argumentIdx: number;
kind: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
{ ConstraintNotSatisfied: ...; TypeNotFound: ... },
(...) | (...),
TypeArityMismatch: true;
UnusedValueWithoutDrop: { resultIdx: number; secondaryIdx: number };
VMInvariantViolation: true;
VMVerificationOrDeserializationError: true;
WrittenObjectsTooLarge: { currentSize: string; maxSize: string };
| "PackageUpgradeError"
| "SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed"
| "CommandArgumentError"
| "TypeArgumentError"
| "InsufficientGas"
| "InvalidGasObject"
| "InvariantViolation"
| "FeatureNotYetSupported"
| "MoveObjectTooBig"
| "MovePackageTooBig"
| "CircularObjectOwnership"
| "InsufficientCoinBalance"
| "CoinBalanceOverflow"
| "PublishErrorNonZeroAddress"
| "SuiMoveVerificationError"
| "MovePrimitiveRuntimeError"
| "MoveAbort"
| "VMVerificationOrDeserializationError"
| "VMInvariantViolation"
| "FunctionNotFound"
| "ArityMismatch"
| "TypeArityMismatch"
| "NonEntryFunctionInvoked"
| "UnusedValueWithoutDrop"
| "InvalidPublicFunctionReturnType"
| "InvalidTransferObject"
| "EffectsTooLarge"
| "PublishUpgradeMissingDependency"
| "PublishUpgradeDependencyDowngrade"
| "WrittenObjectsTooLarge"
| "CertificateDenied"
| "SuiMoveVerificationTimedout"
| "InputObjectDeleted"
| "ExecutionCancelledDueToSharedObjectCongestion"
| "AddressDeniedForCoin"
| "CoinTypeGlobalPause"
| "ExecutionCancelledDueToRandomnessUnavailable",
Success: true;
| "Failed",
transactionDigest: string;
unwrapped: [
{ digest: string; objectId: string; version: string },
AddressOwner: string;
Immutable: true;
ObjectOwner: string;
Shared: { initialSharedVersion: string };
| "ObjectOwner"
| "Shared"
| "Immutable",
unwrappedThenDeleted: {
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
wrapped: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string }[];
V2: {
auxDataDigest: null
| string;
changedObjects: [
idOperation: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
{ Created: true; Deleted: true; None: true },
"None" | "Created" | "Deleted",
inputState: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
Exist: [
[string, string],
AddressOwner: ...;
Immutable: ...;
ObjectOwner: ...;
Shared: ...;
| (...)
| (...)
| (...),
NotExist: true;
| "Exist",
outputState: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
NotExist: true;
ObjectWrite: [
AddressOwner: ...;
Immutable: ...;
ObjectOwner: ...;
Shared: ...;
| (...)
| (...)
| (...),
PackageWrite: [string, string];
| "ObjectWrite"
| "PackageWrite",
dependencies: string[];
eventsDigest: null
| string;
executedEpoch: string;
gasObjectIndex: null | number;
gasUsed: {
computationCost: string;
nonRefundableStorageFee: string;
storageCost: string;
storageRebate: string;
lamportVersion: string;
status: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
Failed: {
command: null
| string;
error: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
AddressDeniedForCoin: { address: string; coinType: string };
ArityMismatch: true;
CertificateDenied: true;
CircularObjectOwnership: { object: string };
CoinBalanceOverflow: true;
CoinTypeGlobalPause: { coinType: string };
CommandArgumentError: {
argIdx: number;
kind: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
IndexOutOfBounds: ...;
InvalidArgumentToPrivateEntryFunction: ...;
InvalidBCSBytes: ...;
InvalidGasCoinUsage: ...;
InvalidObjectByMutRef: ...;
InvalidObjectByValue: ...;
InvalidResultArity: ...;
InvalidUsageOfPureArg: ...;
InvalidValueUsage: ...;
SecondaryIndexOutOfBounds: ...;
SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed: ...;
TypeMismatch: ...;
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...),
EffectsTooLarge: { currentSize: string; maxSize: string };
ExecutionCancelledDueToRandomnessUnavailable: true;
ExecutionCancelledDueToSharedObjectCongestion: {
congestedObjects: string[];
FeatureNotYetSupported: true;
FunctionNotFound: true;
InputObjectDeleted: true;
InsufficientCoinBalance: true;
InsufficientGas: true;
InvalidGasObject: true;
InvalidPublicFunctionReturnType: { idx: number };
InvalidTransferObject: true;
InvariantViolation: true;
MoveAbort: [
function: number;
functionName: (...)
| (...);
instruction: number;
module: { address: ...; name: ... };
MoveObjectTooBig: { maxObjectSize: string; objectSize: string };
MovePackageTooBig: { maxObjectSize: string; objectSize: string };
| null
| {
function: number;
functionName: (...)
| (...);
instruction: number;
module: { address: ...; name: ... };
NonEntryFunctionInvoked: true;
PackageUpgradeError: {
upgradeError: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
DigestDoesNotMatch: ...;
IncompatibleUpgrade: ...;
NotAPackage: ...;
PackageIDDoesNotMatch: ...;
UnableToFetchPackage: ...;
UnknownUpgradePolicy: ...;
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...),
PublishErrorNonZeroAddress: true;
PublishUpgradeDependencyDowngrade: true;
PublishUpgradeMissingDependency: true;
SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed: true;
SuiMoveVerificationError: true;
SuiMoveVerificationTimedout: true;
TypeArgumentError: {
argumentIdx: number;
kind: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<
{ ConstraintNotSatisfied: ...; TypeNotFound: ... },
(...) | (...),
TypeArityMismatch: true;
UnusedValueWithoutDrop: { resultIdx: number; secondaryIdx: number };
VMInvariantViolation: true;
VMVerificationOrDeserializationError: true;
WrittenObjectsTooLarge: { currentSize: string; maxSize: string };
| "PackageUpgradeError"
| "SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed"
| "CommandArgumentError"
| "TypeArgumentError"
| "InsufficientGas"
| "InvalidGasObject"
| "InvariantViolation"
| "FeatureNotYetSupported"
| "MoveObjectTooBig"
| "MovePackageTooBig"
| "CircularObjectOwnership"
| "InsufficientCoinBalance"
| "CoinBalanceOverflow"
| "PublishErrorNonZeroAddress"
| "SuiMoveVerificationError"
| "MovePrimitiveRuntimeError"
| "MoveAbort"
| "VMVerificationOrDeserializationError"
| "VMInvariantViolation"
| "FunctionNotFound"
| "ArityMismatch"
| "TypeArityMismatch"
| "NonEntryFunctionInvoked"
| "UnusedValueWithoutDrop"
| "InvalidPublicFunctionReturnType"
| "InvalidTransferObject"
| "EffectsTooLarge"
| "PublishUpgradeMissingDependency"
| "PublishUpgradeDependencyDowngrade"
| "WrittenObjectsTooLarge"
| "CertificateDenied"
| "SuiMoveVerificationTimedout"
| "InputObjectDeleted"
| "ExecutionCancelledDueToSharedObjectCongestion"
| "AddressDeniedForCoin"
| "CoinTypeGlobalPause"
| "ExecutionCancelledDueToRandomnessUnavailable",
Success: true;
| "Failed",
transactionDigest: string;
unchangedSharedObjects: [
Cancelled: string;
MutateDeleted: string;
PerEpochConfig: true;
ReadDeleted: string;
ReadOnlyRoot: [string, string];
| "ReadOnlyRoot"
| "MutateDeleted"
| "ReadDeleted"
| "Cancelled"
| "PerEpochConfig",
| "V2",
Returns Promise<void>
- buildTransaction(transaction: Transaction): Promise<Uint8Array>
Returns Promise<Uint8Array>
- resetCache(): Promise<void>
Returns Promise<void>
- waitForLastTransaction(): Promise<void>
Returns Promise<void>
The gasBudget to use if the transaction has not defined it's own gasBudget, defaults to