
Mysten Typescript SDKs

A collection of TypeScript SDKs for interacting with the Sui blockchain ecosystem.

For SDK documentation visit

Any of the following commands can be run at the root of the project or from an individual package directory.

When running commands for individual you can use turbo to ensure all of a tasks dependencies are run first (eg. pnpm turbo build)

pnpm install
pnpm turbo build
pnpm build
# or
pnpm turbo build

For unit tests

pnpm test
# or
pnpm turbo test

The e2e tests require docker to be installed and uses testcontainers to create an e2e test environment

pnpm test:e2e

Using turbo to run e2e tests in parallel is not recommended

This repo uses eslint and prettier for linting

pnpm lint

You can automatically fix many lint issues by running

pnpm lint:fix

To run eslint and prettier individually you can use the following commands:

pnpm prettier:check
pnpm prettier:fix
pnpm eslint:check
pnpm eslint:fix