WalletProviderProps: {
    autoConnect?: boolean;
    children: ReactNode;
    enableUnsafeBurner?: boolean;
    preferredWallets?: string[];
    stashedWallet?: StashedWalletConfig;
    storage?: StateStorage | null;
    storageKey?: string;
    theme?: Theme | null;
    walletFilter?: (wallet: WalletWithRequiredFeatures) => boolean;

Type declaration

  • OptionalautoConnect?: boolean

    Enables automatically reconnecting to the most recently used wallet account upon mounting.

  • children: ReactNode
  • OptionalenableUnsafeBurner?: boolean

    Enables the development-only unsafe burner wallet, which can be useful for testing.

  • OptionalpreferredWallets?: string[]

    A list of wallets that are sorted to the top of the wallet list, if they are available to connect to. By default, wallets are sorted by the order they are loaded in.

  • OptionalstashedWallet?: StashedWalletConfig

    Enables the Stashed wallet

  • Optionalstorage?: StateStorage | null

    Configures how the most recently connected to wallet account is stored. Set to null to disable persisting state entirely. Defaults to using localStorage if it is available.

  • OptionalstorageKey?: string

    The key to use to store the most recently connected wallet account.

  • Optionaltheme?: Theme | null

    The theme to use for styling UI components. Defaults to using the light theme.

  • OptionalwalletFilter?: (wallet: WalletWithRequiredFeatures) => boolean

    A filter function to select wallets that support features required for the dApp to function. This filters the list of wallets presented to users when selecting a wallet to connect from, ensuring that only wallets that meet the dApps requirements can connect.